Help Topics

General Questions

Why are my Flashcards missing?

If SAWYER does not load your Flashcard images and the additional information that you typed in Create a Flashcard, then SAWYER can not find your individual Flashcard files. This can be cause by one of two reasons. Either the individual Flashcard files are located in a different spot than where you opened your Flashcard set or your individual Flashcard files were deleted.

If your individual Flashcard files are located in a different spot than your Flashcard set file, move your Flashcard set file to where your individual Flashcard files are located. Then open your Flashcard set file again in SAWYER.

If you can not find the individual Flashcard files* on the computer you created them on or the storage disk you saved them to, then there is a chance that they were deleted. In this case, you must start over again with a new Flashcard set file.

To find out about the difference between a Flashcard Set and an individual Flashcard file, look in :
   "What's the difference between a Flashcard and a Flashcard Set file?"

For information on how to prevent your Flashcards from coming up missing, look in :
   "Where should I save my new Flashcard set?" or
   "Why are there so many files in my SAWYER folder? Can I delete them?"


Why is SAWYER not loading my Flashcard set?

If SAWYER does not bring up an alert saying "You have not selected a Flashcard set." then SAWYER is taking extra time to open your file. Wait until the dialogue box "Please wait while SAWYER loads your files." disappears before opening your Flashcard set.

If an alert appears, look at :
   "Why does an alert tell me 'You have not selected a Flashcard set'?"


Why is my image not loading?

There are several reasons why SAWYER may not load an image. The number one reason is typically that the image is not a JPEG file. The file should end with ".jpg". If the file you wish to load into SAWYER does not end with a ".jpg", if you have access to an image processing program, save the image as a JPEG.

Another reason SAWYER may not load an image is because the image has been saved with progressive encoding. Progressive images are images that first appear in the browser window as a low quality version of themselves and increase in quality over time.

If you have access to an image processing program, re-save the image as a JPEG without progressive encoding. If you don't have access to an image processing program, try and find another JPEG image.


Why does it take so long for SAWYER to load images?

Image files that are large in size, width and height, or have a high resolution, mayl cause SAWYER to slow down significantly because of their large file size. If you have access to an image processing program, you can avoid this by resizing your images down to no larger than 200-300 px maximum for the width or height and set the resolution to 72 dpi.


After I load my images into SAWYER, can I delete or change them?

No, SAWYER only creates a pointer to the original image file. If you delete or move your images after you have loaded them into SAWYER, SAWYER will not be able to find your images. To reload your images after moving them, go into the Modify section of Flashcard Generator and relocate the correct image for each individual Flashcard. If you have deleted your image files you must search for and save your images before going into the Modify section of Flashcard Generator to reload your images.

If you have altered an image after you have loaded it into SAWYER, such as resizing, it may appear awkward in the Flashcard Generator pages. To fix this, simply reload the image in the Modify section of Flashcard Generator.


Why are my images missing?

If SAWYER does not load your Flashcard images but loads their Information, this means either your Flashcard images have been moved from their original location or that they have been deleted.

If you are able to locate your Flashcard images, move them back to their original location or reload them within the Modify section of Flashcard Generator. If you are unable to find your images, you must search the Internet and save them, then reload them within the Modify section of Flashcard Generator.

For information on how to prevent this, look in :
   "Where should I save my new Flashcard set?"


Why can't I go into Quiz Engine, Print, Modify Flashcards, or Delete Flashcards?

These sections require that you have Flashcards made, either by creating them in the Create section of Flashcard Generator or by opening a Flashcard set with Flashcards already saved.


Why are some chapters greyed out?

In Guess the Image, some chapters may be greyed out because no questions have been provided for those chapters.

In Quiz Engine, the greyed out chapters mean no Flashcards have been made for those chapters. Only chapters containing Flashcards, either those created in the Create section of Flashcard Generator or saved within the opened Flashcard Set, will be active for you to choose from.


What's the difference between a Flashcard and a Flashcard set file?

The Flashcard Set file is the file that you name in the Create a Flashcard Set and open within Open a Flashcard Set sections. These files contain information about the Flashcard set as a whole.

The Flashcard files are created within the Create section of Flashcard Generator and are named, by SAWYER, after the chapter and artwork number of the individual Flashcards, "Ch01-01.txt". They contain information about each Flashcard individually.


Why are there so many files in my SAWYER folder? Can I delete them?

No. These files are your individual Flashcards. Deleting these files will delete your Flashcards.


Main Menu

How do I move from section to section in SAWYER?

To move from section to section within SAWYER, click on the image or title of the section (Main Menu.1, Flashcard Generator.1) or their text link within SAWYER's menu bars (Create a Flashcard.10, 11, & 12).


Why are some sections greyed out?

Quiz Engine, Print, Modify Flashcards, and Delete Flashcards may be inactive because you must have Flashcards created. Select Create Flashcards or Open a Flashcard set, before going into those sections.


Creating a Flashcard Set

How do I create a new Flashcard set?

You create a new Flashcard set by clicking the Browse button, (Creating a New Flashcard Set.2) to open the save file dialogue box. Type the name you wish to give your Flashcard set and where to save your Flashcard set, then hit Save. Select or type the name and file path of your new Flashcard set will appear in the white bar above the Browse button.(Creating a New Flashcard Set.1) Click Create. (Creating a New Flashcard Set.4) change the name or its location by clicking on the Browse button again, or quitting out by hitting Cancel. (Creating a New Flashcard Set.3)


Where should I save my new Flashcard set?

Ideally you should save your Flashcard Set inside a folder named SAWYER where you can get back to it easily. When you are saving your images from the Internet or scanning your personal sketches, always save them in the same folder as your Flashcard set.
In a computer lab scenario, it is highly suggested that you save your Flashcard data to a removable disk* or your personal account.

For information on what can happen if you move your files after you created them, look in :
   "Why are my Flashcards missing?" or "Why are my images missing?"

* A removable disk can be a zip disk or portable hard drive.


Opening a Flashcard Set

How do I open a Flashcard set?

You open a Flashcard set by clicking the Browse button, (Opening a Flashcard Set.2) to open the Open file dialogue box. Select the Flashcard set's location and name, then click Open. The name and file path of your new Flashcard set will appear in the white bar above the Browse button.(Opening a Flashcard Set.1) Click Open. (Opening a New Flashcard Set.4)


Why does it tell me "You have not selected a Flashcard set."?

When it says "You have not selected a Flashcard set.", this means you did not open a valid Flashcard set file. Either hit the Ok button to try again or the Create button to create a new set.

If you are having trouble distinguishing the difference between a Flashcard set file and individual Flashcard files, look in :
   "What's the difference between a Flashcard and a Flashcard set file?"


Saving a Flashcard Set

How do I save a Flashcard set?

You save a Flashcard set by clicking the Browse button in the Save window. (Saving a Flashcard Set.3) This opens the save file dialogue box. Type the name you wish to give your Flashcard set, or leave the current name, then select where to save your Flashcard set on your hard drive or removable disk. Hit the Save button. The name and file path of your Flashcard set will appear in the white bar above the Browse button.( Saving a Flashcard Set.1 Saving a Flashcard Set.2) At this point, you have the choice to save the Flashcard set by hitting the Save button in SAWYER, (Saving a Flashcard Set.5) or Canceling. (Saving a Flashcard Set.4)

Saving a Flashcard Set Help Index   Top

What happens if I quit out of SAWYER without saving my Flashcard set first?

You lose all the Flashcards you have made since the last time you saved. Always save your Flashcard set before returning to Core Concepts in Art or exiting the program


Guess the Artwork

I am in the testing section of Guess the Artwork, what do I do?

The object of Guess the Artwork is to guess the title of an artwork from the clues given. You are given four possible hints with the first one revealed. You have six answer choices to choose from.

To reveal the next hint, click on the white box beside the hint. (Guess the Artwork.2 & 3)

To guess the image title, click on the white box beside the answer. (Guess the Artwork.5)

If you guess incorrectly, an "x" will appear beside your answer and SAWYER will wait for you to reveal another hint or make another choice. (Guess the Artwork.4 & 6)

You can move to the next question either by clicking on the arrow button on the bottom right, (Guess the Artwork.11) available after you have guessed the correct title, or by clicking on the Skip button. (Guess the Artwork.10)


Why are some of the chapters greyed out?

No questions have been provided for those chapters.


How do I select a chapter?

You select a chapter by clicking on its name. An arrow will appear by the chapter name to let you know it has been selected. To deselect a chapter, simply click on the chapter name again and the arrow will disappear.


What are the options in the lower left for?

The first option tells SAWYER to go through all of the questions in the selected chapters in sequential order. The second option tells SAWYER to randomly go through all the questions in the selected chapters. The final options tells SAWYER to select five random questions from each selected chapters.


Why does it tell me to "Please select a chapter" when I hit Start Guessing?

You must select a chapter before you can enter the test.


Why is it that every time I get an incorrect answer a white box on the right receives an "x"?

The box to the right is the retest option. (Guess the Artwork.9) SAWYER assumes that you would like to be retested on the questions you guessed incorrectly later. To uncheck this option simply click on the check box. The "x" will disappear, and it will not retest you on this question.


After I finish the test, why does it ask "Would you like to go through the questions you have marked to be retested on later"?

This means that you had some questions marked to be retested on later. To go through these questions, click Yes. To return to the first page of Guess the Artwork, click No.

For information on how to turn off this option, look at :
   "Why is it every time I get an incorrect answer a white box on the right receives an 'x'?"


Search the Internet

I am in Search the Internet, what do I do?

To select a chapter to search for images, click on the chapter number located below the directions. (Search the Internet.1)

After a chapter(s) is selected, you can select artworks to search for by clicking on the title from the list provided. To deselect a title, click the title again. (Search the Internet.2 & 3)

To see the list of selected artworks, look in the box located in the upper right corner. These will be the artworks that appear in the search page. (Search the Internet.6)

To go to the Internet search page, click Search the Internet. (Search the Internet.9)


Why does it ask me to open or create a new Flashcard set?

If you have not created or opened a Flashcard set before entering the Search the Internet section, SAWYER prompts you to. While in the Search the Internet section, SAWYER needs to write out information for your Flashcard set.


Do I have to agree with the disclaimer before proceeding into Search the Internet?

Yes, this is an agreement between you and McGraw-Hill that you must agree with before you can progress further into Search the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not violating any copyright laws while collecting information off the Internet.


Do I have to type all the information about an artwork into Google's search criteria?

No, click on the artwork's title in the list provided on the left to locate images using the Google search engine. (Search the Internet.1)

In some cases, there maybe very few or no images available on the Internet for the artwork listed in Google. If this happens, try adding or using different keywords other than those provided by SAWYER. Not all artworks listed on the CD-ROM can be found on the Internet.


Why kind of images should I be looking for?

You should be looking for non-progressive JPEG images for loading into SAWYER.

For information about JPEG images and the difference between progressive and non-progressive JPEGs, look at :    "Why is my image not loading?"


How do I save images to my hard drive?

Click on the image you want in the Google Search until you get to a larger version. On a PC, right-click the image and select Save Image to Disk from the pop-up menu.

On a Macintosh platform, hold the Control key down, click on the image, then select Download Image to Disk from the pop-up menu.


Where should I save my images?

Always save your images to the same location that you saved your Flashcard set file. It is highly recommended that you make a folder called SAWYER and save all files to this folder.


How do I get out of Search the Internet and back to SAWYER?

You get back to SAWYER by hitting the Close Window button located in the top right of the browser window. (Search the Internet.5)


Flashcard Generator

Why are some sections greyed out?

The Modify and Delete sections are greyed out because you must to have Flashcards created before using those sections.


Create a Flashcard

I am in the Create section of Flashcard Generator, what do I do?

To create a Flashcard, click the Browse button to load an image into SAWYER. (Create a Flashcard.1)

To find the artwork's title and caption information, select the chapter number that the artwork appears in, then open the Chapter Image Titles drop-down menu to find the artwork's title. (Create a Flashcard.2 & 3)

Once you click on the title, its caption information will appear in the Caption box. (Create a Flashcard.5)

To add additional information, such as notes you took in class, beyond what was given in the caption, click in the Additional Information field then start typing. (Create a Flashcard.6)

To save your Flashcard and clear the screen for another, hit Save & Create Another. (Create a Flashcard.7)

To save your Flashcard and return to the main menu of Flashcard Generator, hit Save & Go To Main. (Create a Flashcard.8)

To exit Create a Flashcard, hit Cancel. (Create a Flashcard.9)


Why are some of the chapters greyed out?

Those chapters do not contain any artwork information.


Why is my image not loading?

There are several reasons why SAWYER may not load an image. The number one reason is typically that the image is not a JPEG file. The file should end with ".jpg". If the file you wish to load into SAWYER does not end with a ".jpg", if you have access to an image processing program, save the image as a JPEG.

Another reason SAWYER may not load an image is because the image has been saved with progressive encoding. Progressive images are images that first appear in the browser window as a low quality version of themselves and increase in quality over time.

If you have access to an image processing program, re-save the image as a JPEG without progressive encoding. If you don't have access to an image processing program, try and find another JPEG image.


Why did the title disappear from the drop-down menu?

After you create a Flashcard from a title, the title is removed from the list so you will not mistakenly create a Flashcard twice. Only after you have deleted a Flashcard in the Delete section of Flashcard Generator, will the title appear again in the drop-down menu within Create a Flashcard. You are able to change a Flashcard after you create it by using the Modify section of Flashcard Generator.


After I load my images into SAWYER, can I delete or change them?

No, you should not delete the image. SAWYER only creates a pointer to the original image file. If you delete or move your images after you have loaded them into SAWYER, SAWYER will not be able to find your images. To reload your images after moving them, go into the Modify section of Flashcard Generator and relocate the correct image for each individual Flashcard. If you have deleted your image files, you must search the Internet and save your images before going into the Modify section of Flashcard Generator to reload your images.

If you have altered an image after you have loaded it into SAWYER, such as resizing, it may appear awkward in the Flashcard Generator pages. To fix this, simply reload the image in the Modify section of Flashcard Generator.


Modify a Flashcard

I am in the Modify section of Flashcard Generator, what do I do?

To find the title of the Flashcard to modify, select the chapter number that the artwork appears in, then open the Chapter Image Titles drop-down menu to find the artwork's title. (Modify a Flashcard.1 & 2)

To modify the image of a Flashcard, click the Browse button to load the new image into SAWYER. (Modify a Flashcard.5)

To change or add to the additional information that you created in Create a Flashcard, click in the Additional Information field, then add your changes. (Modify a Flashcard.6)

To save your Flashcard and clear the screen for another, hit Save & Modify Another. (Modify a Flashcard.7)

To save your Flashcard and return to the main menu of Flashcard Generator, hit Save & Go To Main. (Modify a Flashcard.8)

To exit Modify a Flashcard, hit Cancel. (Modify a Flashcard.9)


Why are some of the chapters greyed out?

Only the chapters with Flashcards created are selectable in Modify.


Why aren't all of the titles appearing in the drop-down menu for each chapter?

Only the titles of Flashcards that are already created will appear in the Chapter Image Titles drop-down menu in Modify.


Delete a Flashcard

I am in the Delete section of Flashcard Generator, what do I do?

To select a Flashcard to delete, click on its title from the list provided on the right. An arrow will appear to let you know it is selected. (Delete a Flashcard.1)

To unselect a Flashcard, click on the title again and the arrow will disappear. (Delete a Flashcard.2)

After you have selected the Flashcards you wish to delete, hit Delete Selected. (Delete a Flashcard.7)


Will deleting a Flashcard delete my image too?

No, only the individual Flashcard's text file will be deleted.


Will I be able to create a new Flashcard if I have already made a Flashcard for that artwork but then later decided to delete it?

Yes, go to the Create section of Flashcard Generator and create the Flashcard like before.


Can I delete my whole Flashcard set?

Yes, hit Select All then hit Delete Selected.


Is there an undelete option, if I have already made a Flashcard for an artwork, but later dedided to delete it?

No, once you delete a Flashcard you can only recreate the Flashcard by going through the Create section of Flashcard Generator.


Printing a Flashcard Set

I am in Print, what do I do?

To select a Flashcard to print, click on its title from the list provided on the right. An arrow will appear to let you know it is selected. (Print Flashcards.1)

To unselect a Flashcard, click on the title again and the arrow will disappear. (Print Flashcards.2)

Once you have selected the Flashcards you wish to print, hit Print Selected. (Print Flashcards.7)

A browser window will appear. After the browser window has finished loading, select Print from the File menu. (Print Flashcards Screen 2)


Do I need an Internet browser to print?

Yes, SAWYER uses the browser to print out your Flashcards.


How do I print from my browser?

You print from your Browser by hitting the Print button located in the browser's menu bar, or by selecting Pring from the File menu.


Why are the images that didn't appear in Flashcard Generator appearing in the Print webpage?

SAWYERis only able to show standard JPEG images. However, because the Print page is written out as a web page, the print page can display any image viewable on the Internet.

For information about JPEG images and the difference between progressive and non-progressive JPEGs, look at :    "Why is my image not loading?"


Flashcard Quiz Engine

I am in Quiz Engine, what do I do?

The object of Quiz Engine is to guess the caption information for the Flashcard image. You are given a Flashcard image and then you are asked to select the correct caption information from the drop-down menus and enter additional information about the Flashcard.

To select an answer from the drop-down menus, hold the down arrow button for the drop-down menu and then select the correct answer from the list that appears. (Quiz Engine.2)

To enter additional information, click on the white box on the far left and start typing. (Quiz Engine.5)

After you have entered your answers, hit the Check Answers button to see how you did. (Quiz Engine.8, 3, & 4)

To move to the next question, click the large right arrow button. (Quiz Engine.10)

To skip a Flashcard, hit the Skip button. (Quiz Engine.11)


Why are some of the chapters greyed out?

No Flashcards have been made for those chapters.


How do I select a chapter?

You select a chapter by clicking on its name. An arrow will appear by the chapter name to let you know it has been selected. To deselect a chapter, simply click on the chapter name again and the arrow will disappear.


What are the options in the lower left?

What are the options in the lower left for?

The first option tells SAWYER to go through all of the questions in the selected chapters in sequential order. The second option tells SAWYER to randomly go through all the questions in the selected chapters. The final options tells SAWYER to select five random questions from each selected chapters.


The first option tells SAWYER to go through all of the created Flashcards in the selected chapters in sequential order. The second option tells SAWYER to randomly go through all of the created Flashcards in the selected chapters. The final options tells SAWYER to select five random Flashcards from the ones created from each selected chapters.*

* The final option will become inactive if you select a chapter with less than five Flashcards created.


Why does it tell me to "Please select a chapter" when I hit Start Test?

You must select a chapter before you can enter the test.


Why is it that every time I get an incorrect answer a white box on the bottom right receives an "x"?

The box to the right is the retest option. (Quiz Engine.9) SAWYER assumes that you would like to be retested on the questions you guessed incorrectly later. To uncheck this option simply click on the check box. The "x" will disappear, and it will not retest you on this question.


After I finish the test, why does a it ask "Would you like to go through the questions you have marked to be retested on later"?

This means that you had some questions marked to be retested later. To go through these questions, hit Yes. To return to the first page of Quiz Engine, hit No.

For information on how to turn off this option, look at :
   "Why is it every time I get an incorrect answer a white box on the bottom right receives an 'x'?"
